General Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Lake Worth’

Major Signs You Need Water Heater Repair

Monday, May 27th, 2024

We’re experts when it comes to water heaters in Lake Worth, FL, so we’ve seen firsthand the issues that arise when water heaters start to fail. A malfunctioning water heater can disrupt your daily routine and lead to costly damage if not addressed promptly. 

Whether you have a traditional tank water heater or a modern tankless model, it’s crucial to recognize the warning signs that indicate your system needs professional attention. Watch for these signs below to tell you when it’s time to reach out to our water heater professionals.

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Several Big Plumbing Emergencies You May Encounter

Monday, March 18th, 2024

Plumbing disasters are household problems that can send people into a panic just from thinking about them. From burst pipes to sewer line backups, these issues can wreak havoc on your home if you don’t have them dealt with right away. That’s why having access to reliable 24-hour emergency plumbing in Lake Worth is essential. We understand the urgency of these situations, and we’re here to provide swift and effective solutions to protect your home and your family.

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Aren’t Getting Enough Hot Water? Here’s What May Be Wrong With Your Water Heater

Monday, January 8th, 2024

Water is the source of life. And hot water sure seems like a close second, doesn’t it? We know that it’s hard to imagine getting through a typical day if there wasn’t hot water flowing from taps and showerheads when we needed it.

You’ve enjoyed a steady supply of hot water from your water heater. But now, something is wrong. The water is running out earlier, and that’s making mornings in your household into a stampede to get to the showers first. What’s wrong, and do you need water heater repair in Lake Worth, FL, or possibly even a new water heater?

We’re here to answer your questions about why you’ve got a water heater that isn’t holding up its half of the bargain.

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Why Your House Has Low Water Pressure

Monday, December 25th, 2023

You’ve noticed something wrong with the water coming from the faucets and showerheads in your house: the water pressure is much lower, and it’s making regular tasks annoying if not downright impossible. Why has the water pressure dropped so suddenly?

In this post, we’ll look at several of the possible causes of a decline in water pressure in your home and help you know when you’ll need to call for professional plumbing service in Lake Worth, FL to fix it.

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Why You May Need a Water Softener for Your Home 

Monday, December 11th, 2023

Hard water is a common problem we face with our water supply. The “hardness” of water is a measure of its mineral content: the more minerals such as calcium and magnesium are suspended in the water, the harder the water is. Hard water can often escape through municipal treatment plants because the minerals enter the water through the pipes, transporting it to homes and businesses.

Hard water won’t hurt you to drink. In fact, the minerals in hard water are considered part of a regular diet and are found in many of the foods and liquids you consume. But you still don’t want hard water in your house, and to counteract it requires arranging for our team to install a whole-house water softener in Lake Worth, FL.

Here’s why a water softener is so beneficial if you’ve got hard water in your house.

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Emergency Plumbing: When Do You Need It?

Monday, November 27th, 2023

Almost any plumbing problem can seem like an emergency if it strikes at the right time and you’re already frazzled from other issues. If your gut instinct tells you that you’ve got a plumbing problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible, go with your gut! Even if it turns out that the trouble wasn’t as urgent as you thought, you won’t regret that you called professional plumbers to look into it. We’re ready with the 24-hour emergency plumbing in Lake Worth, FL you need, no matter the fiasco you have on your hands.

But let’s take a breath, step back, and look at the bigger picture of your home plumbing so we can ask the question, “What plumbing problems are the most urgent?” We’ll look into the situations that require emergency plumbing. 

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Don’t Use Store-Bought Drain Cleaners to Unclog Your Drains!

Monday, October 2nd, 2023

We know that clogged drains are one of the biggest nuisances you can encounter with your plumbing. They’re frustrating, and sometimes you just want to get rid of them as fast as possible. You already tried using a sink or toilet plunger, and when that didn’t work, you next reached for a trusty bottle of liquid drain cleaner…

We’ll stop you right there: no matter what promises these so-called “drain cleaners” may make, no matter how many of them are on the shelves at the store, they should never go down any of the drains in your home. No professional plumber recommends using them. If you have an obstinate drain clog that a plunger won’t clear, the best next step is to call us for professional drain cleaning in Lake Worth, FL.

What’s so bad about store-bought drain cleaners? We’ll explain below.

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Was This the Last Summer for Your AC?

Monday, September 18th, 2023
An old air conditioner unit, in need of updating, sitting in tall weeds

Air conditioning in Lake Worth, FL is something we have to think about all around the year. We don’t have long winter seasons where air conditioners stay off for months at a time—and this means our ACs accumulate plenty of wear and tear. 

As we move out of the summer and you won’t need your AC running as often, you may want to consider your AC’s condition. It won’t last forever, especially in the rigors of the Florida heat, and if it’s time to replace yours, the off-season is the best time to schedule it. We’ll go over questions to ask about your AC that will help you figure out if this was its last summer of cooling.

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How to Tell You Have a Slab Leak—And What to Do About It

Monday, September 4th, 2023

Slab leaks are one of the more serious problems you can have with your home’s plumbing. A slab leak is a type of pipe leak that occurs down in the foundation slab of your home. These leaks can add up to a great deal of water waste and eventual damage to your home’s foundation.

But how can you tell you have a slab leak if it’s buried out of sight under your home? That’s the tricky part. It takes professional plumbers to do slab leak detection in Lake Worth, FL and pinpoint the location of the leak so they can repair it. You’ll have to watch for warning signs of the problem so you’ll know when to reach out to experts. 

Below we’ll look at some of the ways you can notice that you may have a slab leak.

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