Why You Need Professionals for Plumbing Repairs

June 24th, 2024

You think you’re pretty handy around the house. And you may be! Do you think you can take on most plumbing problems in your house? The answer is … probably not. We’re not doubting your handyman skills, but we are bringing to light how many problems a DIY plumbing repair can create. When it comes to plumbing repairs, always trust licensed plumbers, like our team at General plumbing.

Below are the best reason to always rely on professionals for your plumbing repairs.

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Major Signs You Need Water Heater Repair

May 27th, 2024

We’re experts when it comes to water heaters in Lake Worth, FL, so we’ve seen firsthand the issues that arise when water heaters start to fail. A malfunctioning water heater can disrupt your daily routine and lead to costly damage if not addressed promptly. 

Whether you have a traditional tank water heater or a modern tankless model, it’s crucial to recognize the warning signs that indicate your system needs professional attention. Watch for these signs below to tell you when it’s time to reach out to our water heater professionals.

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What’s Clogging My Drain?

May 13th, 2024

Clogged or slow drains are a major headache that most of us face at one time or another. Sometimes, the clogs are simple to get through using a plunger. Other clogs are much more obstinate—if you want them cleared away without causing any harm to the rest of your plumbing, and keep them from coming back, you’ll need the assistance of licensed, professional plumbers.

We offer expert drain cleaning in Boynton Beach to handle your clogged and slow drain woes. But let’s delve a bit more into what might be causing that clogged drain and why you’ll often need our assistance. 

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Repiping: Old Pipes to New Pipes in Your House

April 15th, 2024

If you live in a house built before the 1970s, there’s a high chance that your plumbing system is not up to modern standards. Here at General Plumbing and Air Conditioning, we have seen how outdated materials used in older plumbing systems can lead to problems that affect a home’s water quality, pressure, and even lead to costly leaks. Understanding the issues associated with old plumbing and considering whether to replace your pipes with newer material (repiping) is crucial for maintaining a working plumbing system.

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Drain Cleaning Methods the Professionals Use

April 1st, 2024

Although a clogged drain isn’t necessarily the worst residential plumbing trouble you might run into, it’s one of the most common and irritating. Water that won’t drain out of the kitchen sink when you’re trying to clean up after a meal, or a shower that leaves you standing in ankle-deep water when it’s over are troubles you want resolved quickly.

You can attempt to unclog a drain on your own using some simple remedies, such as a plunger (quite handy) or a simple drain snake. But when the simple methods fail, it’s time to call for professional plumbers. If you’ve got a clogged drain in West Palm Beach you can’t eliminate, you can trust our plumbers to use the best tools.

What methods do we use for drain cleaning? We’ll go through them, but first we want to talk about a tool we don’t use…

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Several Big Plumbing Emergencies You May Encounter

March 18th, 2024

Plumbing disasters are household problems that can send people into a panic just from thinking about them. From burst pipes to sewer line backups, these issues can wreak havoc on your home if you don’t have them dealt with right away. That’s why having access to reliable 24-hour emergency plumbing in Lake Worth is essential. We understand the urgency of these situations, and we’re here to provide swift and effective solutions to protect your home and your family.

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Pinhole Leaks—Why They’re a Big Plumbing Problem

March 4th, 2024

Pinhole leaks. The words don’t sound too intimidating, do they? But these leaks are an insidious and common problem that affects the plumbing in many homes. We want to help you understand what they are so you’ll know what to do when you encounter them.

The term pinhole leaks refers to extremely small holes that develop in pipes. These holes can be so small that you can only see them with a magnifying glass. There are several factors that can cause pinhole leaks: corrosion, chemicals in the water, water velocity, and sometimes manufacturing defects. 

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Stop the Drip, Save the Day: How Whole-Home Leak Detection Protects Your Castle and Wallet

February 22nd, 2024

Imagine this: you’re on vacation, basking in the sun, carefree and relaxed. Suddenly, your phone buzzes with an alert: a leak has sprung in your home! Panic sets in, visions of water damage and skyrocketing repair bills flood your mind. But wait! You have a secret weapon: a whole-home leak detection system, your silent guardian against aquatic disasters.

But what exactly is whole-home leak detection? How does it work its magic? And most importantly, can it really save you money on your homeowners insurance?

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Why We Recommend Regular Plumbing Inspections

February 19th, 2024

Do you think about maintenance for your plumbing system? You might believe that all you really need to do is occasionally clean the toilets and pay attention to not putting the wrong items down drains. But plumbing maintenance is more intense than this, and it requires the work of professional plumbers. 

We recommend that our customers schedule service for plumbing inspections and maintenance once a year—and now is as good a time as any to have this job done. There are numerous benefits to this service, and we’ve listed the top ones below. We think you’ll see this is a great investment in your home.

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We Recommend Regular Drain Cleaning—Here’s Why

February 5th, 2024

When you’ve got a clogged drain or toilet, what do you do? The best first step is to reach for a plunger, which can help get rid of minor clogs. You may also attempt to use a simple drain auger. If those basic tactics don’t work, you’ll need to call for drain cleaning in West Palm Beach, FL with our team. (Don’t use chemical drain cleaners! They can harm your drains and harm you.)

But a clogged or slow drain isn’t the only reason to call us for drain cleaning. We recommend you make drain cleaning a regular part of preventive maintenance in your house and schedule it yearly. If you only think of drain cleaning as a way to fix a problem like a clog, you might find this surprising. Regular drain cleaning, however, has some excellent benefits.

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